Who I Am.
Roger Hernandez Jr. -
Otherwise known as Atihuibancex (Taino Nation), and Guayakan (UCTP), has introduced Taino video documentation research and development projects on Caribbean Indigenous Cultural Arts with his weekly New York City public television series - Presencia Taina.TV since 1999.
This website works to strengthen Taino Indian cultural arts collaborative workshop projects to promote and preserve the ancestral Caribbean Indigenous Cultural Heritage via supplementary and alternative Native American educational arts programs.
The work accomplished throughout the years has been consistent with our Taino mission statement (www.presenciataina.org), which is to promote the educational expansion of our Caribbean community and its rich indigenous cultural arts heritage.
Prescencia Taina.TV artistic presentations, exhibitions and workshops have generated interest and involvement from the Caribbean community and other Pre Hispanic indigenous circles. Our Prescencia Taino.TV program has served to inspire future cultural artists in developing their talents by drawing upon their ancestral cultural traditions.
Prescencia Taina.TV serves the Caribbean indigenous community as well as other indigenous communities. To date, we have brought our programs to many places: elementary schools and universities, public and private institutions, parks and recreational facilities and public and private self-help organizations. We do community outreach to service the old along with the young.
The majority of our constituents come from low income neighborhoods and communities that receive very little contact with the artistic cultural educational circles. We introduce these elements that have otherwise separated from each other to become whole once again. The response from these participants has been overwhelming, with an increased demand for our services.